Bibliometric in Health Care and Cybersecurity Literature
During the past decade, reliance on information technology has become worldwide standard for clinical care. Cybersecurity of Health Care Information SystemsAs the risks to which health information is exposed grow during its life cycle, cybersecurity has become an integral part in providing a safe, efficient and correct healthcare. To summarize the literature that combines cybersecurity and health care delivery. We conducted a search of peer-reviewed articles written in English that were indexed on PubMed or Web of Science. We performed a chronological analysis, domain clustering on text of in- and excluded papers as well as textual analyses to create an upper-level concept map consisting out of selected terms within the included articles and their connectivity. The final sample after exclusions contained 472 journal articles published in the English language. Our review results show, that many articles concentrated on technology: Technology focused papers are dominating all more than half of the clusters with 32%-in managerial and competital issues less often observed across most. Therefore, there may be less study on nontechnological variables (human-based aspects, organizational factors, strategy and management).setVisibility of such category is lesser based upon this finding. Also Security Architecture Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Planning 3.00 % each Therefore, our results indicated that the amount of literature regarding Physical Security registered in ReBench is very small and also little research has been done related to this topic. Physical security risks, which if exposed allow breaches and may even impact on the patient's physical safety concertedly make up most cyber vulnerabilities distinctly non-digital. Conclusion: Our findings suggest an overall growth in cybersecurity research and significant gaps along with areas for further examination.
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